We Are Accepting New Members
Want to be part of the shotgun shooting sports? Read the membership process below and be part of a fun group of people who love shooting clays of all kinds.​
What to Expect Next
After you pay your membership, you will be contacted by a club member to participate in New Member Orientation. The orientation usually takes place on a Saturday and provides a history of the club, a safety overview and instructions on how to open the skeet/trap houses. During that session you will also be given your keys to open those specific houses and shoot anytime during the week (except work days - every Thursday from daylight-1pm is reserved for no shooting)
Safety Information
It is very important to us at the SSC that your experience here is enjoyable and SAFE. Consequently, we ask that you watch a video on the shooting discipline of your choice and a general video on eye and ear SAFETY plus read through our SAFETY RULES (it shouldn't take more than five minutes):​
Moving forward, watching these videos and reading our SAFETY RULES will be a requirement of membership for new and existing members. In the future, you will see signs around the club intended to heighten our awareness of SAFETY. Emergency phone numbers will be posted inside and outside of the clubhouse, and we will have SAFE procedures for Opening and Closing posted in all of the skeet and trap houses. We will also have a First Aid Kit with easy access. As we mentioned, your SAFETY is very important, we thank you for your help in making our club a SAFE place!